19 June 2010, 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm
~ Serendra, The Fort…Sri Rivera Roy and Trixie (aka Mohnani), invited everyone to a despedida for their good friend, Becky Boncan. Becky returns to Vienna, where she resides with her husband, end June. The get-together evolved into a meeting to update everyone present about our homecoming.

It was a joyous mini reunion. A lot of us saw each other, for the first time, after 20 over years! There was none stop chattering that Chinky de Leon, our batch homecoming president, had difficulty silencing everyone – she had lots of good news to share. To add to more Scholastican drama to her announcements, she slipped into an all too familiar garb that we all wore for most of our younger years. (This version doesn’t allow for you to put down the straps.)

(Contact Becky Malto Feliciano if you want a shirt, too)Let me share with you Chinky's announcements. Btw, Thanks, Sri! Thanks, Mohnani! It was great seeing everyone. (At ang lakas ng pull ni Becky!)
Swatch Update:You can reserve your St Scho Swatch very, very soon, ladies.
Yes, the watch is exclusive to St Scho and available only in the Philippines :-) Visit a Swatch store or kiosk near you - they are taking in reservations starting 1 July 2010. There are only 500 Swatches available. 500 lang ha!!! So reserve now! It costs 3,500 bucks for each Swatch. 3,500 pesos for Philippine residents. 3,500 dollars for people living abroad. (Joke lang.)There is a reservation fee of 2,000 bucks.
This is the final design:

All Swatch orders may be collected around October 15-30 with the rest of the balance of 1,500.
For those of you living abroad, you will have to ask your friends or family to reserve, pay and claim it for you if you want one. We wish we could help you out more to make it easier, but this is the best way to do it.
Helping out with this particular fundraiser rewards you with a unique Swatch plus points in heaven!!! (So for those of you that aren’t sure about going to heaven, buy na!)
Little Laws for Little Ladies:In 1970, a book was created by Guia S. Castillo, with a typewriter and drawings by young Scholasticans. The book was mimeographed (remember that noisy machine in the office?!), folded and manually bound with a stapler. It was a guidebook that helped young ladies grow up to eventually be young & confident women, mothers, homemakers, career women, business women and professionals.
That same book resurfaced in the hands of Myra Castillo during one of the meetings. It was a grand idea, everyone thought, to make a new version! And the creation of a new version is just what happened.

The Introduction:
“In 1970, Guia S. Castillo wrote and published the “Little Laws for Little People” which became the standard handbook for good manners adopted by students of St. Scholastica’s College, Manila. The book provided instructional and practical everyday courtesies that young students would eventually and constantly face in their lifetime.
In celebration of its Silver Jubilee, St. Scholastica’s College High School Batch 1986 has embarked on a project to provide an updated version of Castillo’s handbook. Entitled “Little Laws for Little Ladies, A Handbook on Manners and Etiquette”, this book is envisioned to provide the new breed of young students with vital and fundamental information on everyday etiquette inside and outside of the home as well as good manners when using technologies that continue to shape our future, such as email and text messaging. At the end of some topics, there are exercises that the student needs to perform to enable better retention of the lesson.This handbook will continue to evolve to respond and prepare future young students on how to face global changes and challenges.”The author of the book is Jojo Feliciano, Becky Malto Feliciano’s husband…we owe him big time, girls. He did this for the love of Becky and to help us all out! (None of us Scholasticans had the time to do it.) So when and if you meet him, it would be nice to show him your appreciation and gratitude.
Also, the brains behind this book are Elaine Saul Baloloy, Myra Castillo, Becky Feliciano and Tina Puno. They also did all the legwork! Thank you, again to you all!
This is one of our bigger fund raising projects! Present SSC students will be using this book to guide them as students and young women. 5,000 copies have been published. This book is available by 28 June 2010. There’s enough for the students and for all of you that may want to give them away as birthday or Christmas presents. Or even just to support our batch.
This book, ideally, will continue to make money for our batch in the coming years. When we meet again after 50 years, we’ll have money in our kitty
Sex and The City 2:Headed by section 4-C, this project was a success! There were lots of cosmos, lots of attendees, lots of us Scholasticans, lots of food, lots of support from everyone, and lots of ticket sales. This project did really good.

Big thank you to the women that worked hard in putting this night together. Thank you, Coco Raymundo, for heading this fundraiser and thank you to Myra Castillo for all your super powers. Also, none of this would have gone so smoothly without Ac Legarda’s help. Again. Thank you. Kudos to you, ladies! And thank you, 4-C!
Repertory Philippines’ Sleeping Beauty and Little Women:A gentle reminder from the organizers, please buy your tickets now. We’ve been selling tickets for both these musicales. You’ll be helping out our batch and we’ll be raising more funds for our homecoming.
Take your children with or go with your friends to see the show. It’s a good one, I assure you!
Sleeping Beauty
Show date and time: Saturday, August 28, 2010; 1:30 matinee
Venue: Onstage, 2nd flr, Greenbelt 1
Tickets Breakdown:
Orchestra Center P500
Orchestra Side P400
Balcony P350
Orchestra seats are numbered; Balcony seats – free seating/first come-first served
Portion of the proceeds will be donated to SSC charities
Little Women
Show date and time:
Saturday, November 27, 2010; 3:30 matinee
Venue: Onstage, 2nd flr, Greenbelt 1
Tickets Breakdown:
Orchestra Center P950
Orchestra Side P750
Balcony P550
Orchestra seats are numbered; Balcony seats – free seating/first come-first served
Portion of the proceeds will be donated to SSC charities
Please contact Elaine Saul Baloloy or Becky Malto Feliciano for more details.
Poker Night:Poker night is another piggyback-fundraiser project with LSGH. This could be another success. We did so well with Tears for Fears with their help, remember? So cross your fingers for this one. And please help out by selling tickets to your poker buddies.
There are 50 tickets at 2,500 bucks each, inclusive of a meal and a drink. Poker night will be in Laguna on 17 July 2010. More details to follow. Our contact person for this project is our president, Chinky de Leon.
Those are our updates for now. Pardon the blog silence. Things have been quite hectic on my end. But in all that silence, I was able to (over) hear a few things to share in our all new “Blind Item Corner”!
Blind Item Number One: A Birkin Bag, a real one, was spotted squirming on an unglamorous monoblock chair last Saturday. One of our officers dared to pick it up to solicit a reaction. She wanted to know who owns it and if it is a real Birkin bag. From across the room, we heard a simple, reserved and humble, “hoy”, from the owner. The bag owner’s good friend confirmed its authenticity by showing us the raincoat inside the bag and by telling us that she personally reserved it at Hermes for the owner. (The raincoat is for the bag, by the way.)
Blind Item Number Two: Several women have a crush on Becky Boncan’s Portuguese husband. In fact, another fund raising idea was inspired by his presence – 100 bucks for anyone who wanted a picture with him – an idea conceived by the smart and pretty woman, running the most successful commercial center in this country!
Becky donated 100 bucks more to our fund!

Blind Item Number Three to Twenty Five: Please contact the other Scholasticans who attended the get together to hear more stories. Or! Next time please just attend future get-togethers. You can’t imagine how lovely these gatherings are. We would really love to see you all.